Just messin' with some guys working in my house. Special thanks to Pat and Matt at Fast Water Heater Co. for being such good sports! Website: http://bit.ly/cQ0rMx They service all of the West Coast. You can also go here to learn more about tankless water heaters, which are much better for the environment... I love mine! http://www.fastwaterheater.com/tankless.asp Also thanks to Kim Evey & Sean Becker for helping shoot this prank. Also thanks to Lisa Jay, the Hot Dancer Babe: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1187903/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W35zyBbo1oc orchestral opening music by Bryan Arata http://www.myspace.com/bryandarata incidental music by Greg Benson created with Garage Band loops "Spatial Expression" (dance song) courtesy of Adobe Soundbooth Loops SEE THE FART VIDEO HERE: http://www.youtube.com/mediocrefilms2 http://www.fastwaterheater.com